Sandhurst Donkey Derby

The inside view of the last few weeks prior to the Donkey Derby, one of the major community events in the east of Berkshire.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

45th Sandhurst Donkey Derby - Monday 30 May 2011

The next Sandhurst Donkey Derby will take place on Monday 30 May 2011. We are in the final stages of planning but we still have surprises after all these years and this week my phone has been ringing off the hook with stallholders and suppliers trying to make last minute changes.

Here is the basic programme:

  • 11:30 Gates open for the public
  • 12:00 Official Opening by the Mayor
  • 12:05 Entertainment by Sandhurst Corps of Drums
  • 1:00 First Race
  • 4:30 Last Race, presentations and close
In terms of stalls, the field should have plenty to entertain - we seem to have more stalls than ever with a variety of rides, amusements and things to buy. If you are in the area and have never thought about coming to the Donkey Derby then try it - if you have been before then you won't need much encouragement. As I have noted in other posts on this blog, the Derby is an old-fashioned family fair which entertains huge numbers of people every year and raises money for charity. Don't worry about the charity bit though - just come along and enjoy yourself. It should be a fun day - many people come back year after year and last year's crowds were very special indeed - our best day for many years.

None of the organisers or helpers takes any money so everything we raise (advertising, entrance fees, donkey sponsorships, sulkey sponsorships, stallholder pitch fees and income from our own stalls) goes straight to charity after we pay out the costs for the services that we have to buy in to make the event work.


At 10:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to come and bring the family but you have missed out probably the two most important things to inform people of when advertising an event; where it is and how much it costs to get in......

At 5:56 am, Blogger John Diffenthal said...

If you don't know where it is then you probably aren't local enough to come to it - we have had large posters up in the area for several weeks, each of which do state the location and start time.

That said, you make a good point about price. I didn't know the admission price when I wrote the post but there may well be local people who could be put off by the price. I'll take care of it in future years.


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